For a river known as the “golden watercourse,” red is a strange color to see.Yet that’s the shade turning up in the Yangtze River and officials have no idea why. The red began appearing in the Yangtze, the longest and largest river in China and the third longest river in the world, yesterday near the city of Chongquing, where the Yangtze connects to the Jialin River. The Yangtze, called “golden” because of the heavy rainfall it receives year-round, runs through Chongqing, Southwest China’s largest industrial and commercial center, also known as the “mountain city” because of the hills and peaks upon which its many buildings and factories stand. The red color stopped some residents in their tracks. They put water from the river in bottles to save it. Fishermen and other workers who rely on the river for income kept going about their business, according to the UK’s Daily Mail.While the river’s red coloring was most pronounced near Chongqing it was also reported at several other points. Officials are reportedly investigating the cause. Yangtze River Turns Blood Red- Sep 7, 2012 | Bible Prophecy
Waring of more and more disasters that occur out of no where. Possibly 2012 is not fake afterall? tsunami's, earthquakes, potholes, major storms all happening rapidly past these 2 years... whats next?
========================================================== 當 Planet X 接近地球,它的磁場吸引地球的磁極,令地球的北極,每一次轉向接近 Planet X 的方向時,會令地球出現搖晃,就好像向著Planet X 的方向「點一點頭」一樣。這一種地球「搖晃」,對地球的氣候造成了極大的影響。 2012 榮耀盼望 Vol.119 Planet X 引力對地球所造成的影響
2011 年2 月,美國紐約州的康乃爾大學Cornell University 發表了一篇科學論文,由專門研究「引力物理學」的意大利籍博士洛倫佐 (Lorenzo Iorio) 所撰寫。
Lorenzo Iorio 博士現任職於意大利政府的「敎育、大學和研究部門」,亦是「英國皇家天文學會」的伙伴之一,亦同時是「公開天文學日誌」的副編輯。 論文名為《有關月球軌跡不尋常地偏離軸心增加》(On the anomalous secular increase of the eccentricityof the orbit of the Moon)。 論文中提到:近年開始出現月球環繞地球的異常軌跡。月球本來環繞地球的軌跡是有一定的變動,有時會比較接近正圓形,有時會偏向橢圓形。但近來月球的軌跡越來越偏向橢圓形,而這一種改變現象,已經完全偏離牛頓的物理定律,以及愛因斯坦的相對論。
我們試就現況作出解釋:Lorenzo Iorio 博士認為,這一種不尋常的改變,是由於一個行星級數大小的星體正在太陽系的邊緣,而它的引力正在影響整個太陽系,而導致地球和月球軌跡產生這種異常的改變,而能夠達到這一種程度的影響,這個星體的質量有可能像木星一樣龐大,而他更在文章中用Planet X 來形容這一個星體。
斷層帶通過的農莊,地表一片祥和,但斷層在空照下,卻也顯露丑陋面貌,隨時會摧毀家園。(取自美國地質調查所等網站) 地震專家8日發布爆炸性學術報告︰對南加州威脅最大的聖安德里斯斷層(San Andreas fault),地震周期為88年,比傳統學說縮短兩倍。專家說,芮氏規模8.1地震已近在南加州人家門口!