"Occupy Central" is a civil disobedience movement which began in Hong Kong on September 28, 2014. It calls on hundreds of thousands of protesters to paralyze Hong Kong's busiest districts in the fight for democracy. However, instead of a pure spontaneous civil movement, suspicion is growing thatsome hostile forces are behind the so-called “Umbrella Revolution”, fueling the protracted standoff between the people and the government.As how the Ukraine crisis has plagued Russia, the "Occupy Central" movement could be well another strategy by the US to ultimately force its enemy – China – into World War III.. 詳細內文,請瀏覽 (For more detail, please visit ): http://riverflowing09.blogspot.hk/2014/10/occupy-central-is-hong-kong-puppet-of-USA.html http://2012glorioushope.blogspot.hk/2014/10/the-standard-12-steps-to-color.html